ILS Industrial Listing Services

Trusted & Timely

Commercial Real Estate Market Data

About ILS

Data You Can Trust

For over 25 years, ILS, Industrial Listing Services, has been adding value to commercial real estate clients in Southern California with a platform of publications, imaging, data, and design services.

Commercial Real Estate Data
Commercial Real Estate Market Data Executive woman

Clients trust the ILS Hot Sheet for the OC, IE, and LA markets with the current availability of industrial, R&D, logistics, DC properties, office complexes, and commercial land for sale/lease/sublease.

Drone Aerial Photography for Commercial Real Estate Market Data services
Aerial Photos

Custom aerial photo shoots capture low or high-altitude aerial photos and video.

3d building video for Real Estate Market Data Service

A variety of commercial real estate design options help our clients focus on project revenue generation.

Data Chart concept image for Commercial Real Estate Market Data

Multiple criteria can be selected to search the ILS proprietary database with historical and current market data.

Our Solutions

ILS Hot Sheets

New listings in your inbox daily

Commercial property marketing services

Commercial Real Estate Data Solutions

Historical and current property data, leased commercial property, and completed commercial real estate transactions.

Brochure Design Plan - Complex Floor and Site Plan Design for Commercial Real Estate Market Data

Commercial Real Estate Marketing Solutions and Support

Commercial real estate marketing brochures can be designed from simple floor plans to aerial photo imaging. If your team needs a partner to complement your resources, count on ILS to deliver quality marketing services for your next commercial buildings for sale or commercial property for lease.

DataPie CRE data platform

Free Listing Submissions

Submit your commercial real estate property listings or updates without any charges.

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