There are several ways to submit your listings to ILS. You can use our online form, enter listings directly into the search site or you can set up an account with and simply email us any brochures and related details so we will enter the listings in for you.

Use this form if you don’t want to register or sign into the search site ( – just fill in the form and submit. We will then enter it into the search site and email you the details so you can confirm the information and feedback to us any changes you may need.

You have the option to register/sign into the search site ( where our data is displayed to the general public. If you have a lot of listings, this is the way we suggest you add and maintain your listings.

For the most efficient way to maintain your listings, we highly suggest setting up an account with us. Please contact us if you are interested in this. Once set up, you will be able so simply send us your listings in any form that is convenient to you, including the marketing materials. We will then enter the listings and email back to you how the listings are being displayed. You can make edits yourself or simply email us and we’ll make the changes for you.